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Technical advice

All horticultural / arboricultural advice and guidance will be in accordance with current professional standards as recognised by the RHS / ISA and BS3998 2010.

If necessary clients will be advised during the quotation stage of the dangers of lopping and topping and the resulting detrimental effects on the future health, safety and longevity of trees.

Where necessary the local planning authority will be contacted to confirm if any trees are protected by tree preservation orders or is within a conservation area.

All advice regarding trees near buildings will follow the recommendations in BS5837:2012 ‘Trees in Relation to Construction’ and other relevant documents.

The company will maintain membership of at least one trade association e.g. International Society of Arboriculture.



All tree work operations will be undertaken in accordance with the guidelines in BS3998:2010 ‘Recommendations for Tree Work’

All staff will be adequately trained and certificated for the type of work being undertaken.

The use of climbing spikes will be restricted to trees which are to be felled except in an aerial rescue / emergency situation.

Cambium savers will be used to protect tree bark from rope friction damage.

During tree climbing operations all staff will work in teams of at least two and be capable of undertaking the rescue of an injured colleague.

Prior to starting work all hand pruning tools will be adequately cleaned and disinfected to prevent the spread of disease pathogens.

Only approved chemicals will be used for the application of pesticides and herbicides. Prior to any chemical application all safety risks will be discussed with the client to ensure that no person, animals or the general environment are put at risk of contamination.


Waste disposal

Pruning’s and arisings which are cleared from site are chipped and composted and can then be reused as a soil improving mulch.

If feasible all heavy timber will be disposed of to a timber merchant or chip mill. The client will be offered any suitable timber as firewood or it will be cleared from site.

On site burning or landfill disposal is not company policy and is only undertaken in special circumstances.


Environmental Policy and Objectives

Arboriculture is a ‘green’ industry therefore to cause pollution of the environment while undertaking various works to improve it is obviously unacceptable. All our staff are correctly trained to avoid unnecessary damage to the environment and specifically follow the guide lines below.


Vehicles and Machinery

Unleaded and low emission fuels are used in all vehicles and machinery.

Biodegradable chain oil is used in all chainsaws and ancillary equipment.

All used oils are disposed of by recycling.

Exhaust emissions are minimised by the regular maintenance and purchasing of suitable equipment and machinery.

Unnecessary journeys are avoided by adequate forward planning and the correct management of staff and resources.


Working Practices

The burning of brushwood is not company policy. The majority of brushwood is chipped and recycled as a mulch material.

All timber is transported to local sawmills for processing or will be cut in to firewood.

Grass clippings, leaves and annual weeds are composted for use as a future soil conditioner.

All wooden fencing materials are purchased after conformation of their origin from renewable, managed woodlands.

If a tree requires felling replanting with a suitable replacement is encouraged.


Pesticides / Chemicals

The use of herbicides that break down into natural substances is encouraged wherever possible.

Better targeting and training, the promotion of alternative weed control methods or substitution with less harmful forms are considered where practical.


The application of pesticides is only undertaken if there are no other feasible options.

Holistic, plant health care landscape and tree management techniques are employed which monitor plant health and identifies pest and disease problems before they require chemical treatment.

Organic fertilisers and natural forms of soil conditioners are applied to promote healthy plant growth.


Office / Workshop

Waste paper is recycled.

Energy saving devices are used for power and lighting systems.


Healthy and Safety

All staff receive adequate training and information on environmental awareness and good practice.

Constant evaluation, monitoring and performance appraisal of all staff, materials and equipment is undertaken to provide a safer workplace.

The erection of warning signs and barriers will be erected where necessary to protect the public and the workforce from danger.


Speak with a member of the team now for urgent requests.

01792 885184

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